Saturday, February 19, 2011

Down 40 lbs and Doing Life

I love Saturday's for many reasons.  I get to sleep in till 8am.  I go to a Full Body Workout class with Jenn and it is very intense, but I love it.  It is usually my free day as well.  Got to love a free day and today for my birthday my parents took my family to Nakatos, its a Japanese steak house and the food is amazing.  I got the chicken and didn't get the fried rice.  Still wasn't as healthy as I should of had, but I figured it was my birthday.  Oh and we wont mention the frozen custard as well.

GREAT NEWS!!!  I have lost 40lbs.  It feels great and I am getting closer to my goal.  5k is in two weeks.  Marathon training starts in May.  Lost of cool stuff.

I have had a shirt and pants that I am excited to be able to wear again.  They are the pants and shirt I wore when Jenn and I had our engagement photos done.  Its an XL shirt and size 38 pants.  When I started my weight loss journey I was wearing a size 44 pants and 3XL shirt.  I would say I am a 2XL shirt and a size 42 pants now.  Here is my attempt to wear them now.
It is still way to tight, but I was able to button up the shirt and zip up the pants.  It was very painful and tight but I did it.  I plan on posting another picture when I can fit into them. 

Jenn got me a new tech shirt and bumper sticker for Valentines Day.  It's a from Ben Davis Do Life Movement.  I am so happy to have them.


Mrs. Mom said...

Happy Birthday! What a great present to yourself.

Kalien said...

Thank you for inspiring me! Keep on keepin' on and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)

Jared said...

Keep it up!!! You look great!

e. said...

40 pounds!?!?!? You rock socks. And more importantly, you look terrific. Take State!