Monday, March 14, 2011

Daylight Savings Sucks

Daylight Savings kicked my trash today.  I tried to go to bed at 10 last night and laid in bed for 90 minutes before I could even go to sleep.  It felt like my eyes were closed for 5 minutes, and then our alarms went off. It truly felt like 4am, and I should have be sleeping for another hour.  Jenn and I became really close to our snooze buttons and rolled out of bed at 5:40. 

I was late to the fitness center but still got my 30-minute run in this morning.  I think Monday runs are my favorite only because I can just put the stress of the weekend behind me.  It's stressful, because I am not in my normal set schedule.  I am faced with a lot more food temptation and a free day.  I get frustrated, because I might overdo my free day. At Sunday dinner, everyone is eating as much as they want, and I only get a small serving.  So Mondays are great to burn off some steam.

I mentioned Sunday dinners. My mom has been great finding healthy recipes, so I can at least eat with the family.  She made a healthy chicken pot pie for dinner.  Then, she made some Weight Watcher cupcakes that are only 50 calories each for my Devon's birthday.  So that helps.  Thanks Mom!

Keep working hard and reaching your goals!

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