Thursday, March 10, 2011

Viking 5K

Sorry it has taken me so long to post about my 5K.  I felt really good to finish the race. I did it faster than I thought, but I really felt like I could of done a lot more.  I will be honest in saying that I was very frustrated with myself.  I know it was my first race and my first time running that far, but I didn't give my all and beat myself mentally before the race.  I guess this is why it took me so long to post.

I finished the race in 43:50.
One thing I know I did wrong was that I didn't warm up before the race.  It was 32 degrees out and really windy, so we were cold and we just stood around.  I should have walked a few laps around the track beforehand. 

The first mile was the hardest. We ran once around the track and then through the neighborhood.  Of course, I ran the first mile way too fast for my pace, and when we hit the first hill, I had to stop and walk.  I ran/walked the rest of the course.

Paul was great and stayed with me the whole time.  He can do this run in his sleep, and it was his first race in the master's group, and he stuck with me.  He was great company.  When I stopped to walk, I kept apologizing to him, and I almost wonder if I was apologizing to myself as well, because I should of kept going.

We had a great group, and everyone had great times. 

Jen even got first place in her division.  She was really shocked, because it was her first ever 5K and the third time she has EVER run.  She rocked!

I have learned a lot from this first 5K, and I promised myself that I will just get better and do better.
Screen shot or it doesn't count!


  1. Yes, this was your first 5k, but the real accomplishment was that you set a goal and worked towards it. So what if you didn't do AS WELL as you wanted? You still did it! And having lived a sedentary lifestyle only a couple of months before hand, the fact that you went out and did it was phenomenal. You are great and this first 5k was an important milestone in your journey. This is the tough part now, though, where after a little disappointment, you must keep going and prove to yourself that you can be and do a little better each time. Hang in there, pal! You were the only reason why I got my butt to the gym and started working out and now I am eleven pounds down! You are an inspiration. Don't be so hard on yourself! We love you! Keep working! And keep writing!!!!

  2. Yes buddy! Man you are a beast and taking it to the next level. Congrats on accomplishing the first of many goals! I can't wait to follow your goals and blog, keep up the good work! Ahbbii dahbbiii


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