Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hate... Hate Missing My Run

Okay...  Something has got to change.  Since I was sick, I have missed runs, and I have not been able to control my eating.  I am mad at myself and my choices.  I have a feeling like I am going to slide back into my old habits and gain all my weight back.  I am mad at myself, and I am feeling like I used to.  Worthless.

I know that it isn't fair to myself to think that way, but I made it a goal to be honest on this blog.  Not every day/week is going to be good.  I just need a kick in the pants, someone to say, "SUCK IT UP!"  I will get back to work; I just don't want to fail.  I have failed at way too many things in my life, and for once I would like to not fail.


Anonymous said...

Suck it up buttercup! Man the freak up and get out there!!! Ok...does that help?!?! It's so easy to let your eating go when your exercise is gone and vice versa! You've come soooo far, you have to stop the slide so you can keep on going! And don't look at this as a's a learning experience! Good luck! You rock and can totally do this!!


Carolyn Cox said...

You can't change a choice you have made, only future choices. So, take charge of today and finish off strong! You can do it. You have already proven you can.

Run with Jess said...

JUST DO IT!! I see you have a marathon in 94 days... is that motivation? I mean really, you don't wanna fall flat on your face in front of ALL those people, do you?? Envision your finish line. Be strong and get back on the wagon. There is no failure unless you quit trying.

Terzah said...

Bad runs will always be with us. But I promise they get fewer, and they are worth it. I get through the bad runs (and the ensuing beating myself up) by reminding myself that another good one is coming. You can do it! Remember how you felt finishing those races!

Unknown said...

I am in this rut, too! I appreciate your honesty and am grateful that I am not the only one. Now let's go back out and KICK BUTT tomorrow! And from reading your other post, you are already well on your way. You are a rockstar!