Monday, October 3, 2011

Weigh-in and Accountablity

Okay, so I have not been eating well this month at all, and it shows on the scale.  I weighed in on Saturday at the gym after my run, and I was at 248.  So I have put back on four pounds.  Honestly, I thought it was going to be worse.  Jenn and Shannon had a chance to talk yesterday about diet and exercise, and Shannon is right.  With the amount I am running right now, the weight should be coming off.  I am justifying the eating because of my running.  This is the first month I have not lost weight and gained weight instead.  Time to really focus and keep working on the weight loss.  I made the blog to be accountable, and it is humbling to post a gain like this.

I did have a lot of fun this weekend.  I had the opportunity to help work 2 aid stations and start the marathon for the Kicking Route 66 race.  After I got done with my two water stops, I was able to then help a good friend, Allyn, finish his 50 mile run.

I am going to make a longer post about the race later tonight.  I do not have time this morning to do it justice, and I want to post photos.


SupermomE13 said...

It is REALLY really easy to overestimate how much you are burning when running and then to overeat and negate the weight loss you would be seeing. If you burn 100 calories a mile and run five miles, one good bowl of ice cream balances that right out. I know a lot of people fall into that mindset of "well, I ran so I cn eat whatever I want".
Do you keep track of calories? I wouldn't recommend it for every day, but if you keep track once and a while you get a good idea of what you are taking in, what is worth the calories and what isn't, and how to keep your calories at a place that you are fueled but still losing weight. And since you like to eat (me too!), find foods you can eat a lot of for minimal calories... salad, veggies, 100 calorie popcorn bags, etc.

it's all about pace said...

Supermom makes excellent points... I'll just add a quote:

"In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedes all others, is - "I will form good habits and become their slaves." - Og Mandino

You have made some pretty impressive habist... running... training early... you can do this