Monday, August 22, 2011

Great Weekend, Great Run

I am back in the saddle and running again.  Jenn and I had 24 hours of no children, so she was able to run with me when we did our 8 miles.  She did an extra two after.  It was fun to run and talk with her.  We have never ran together like that before.  We were going about half her pace, but she said she just enjoyed being with me.  I felt really good on my 8 miler.  Zoe and a few other people said I really need to consider dropping to the half marathon because of some of the training runs I have missed due to illness.  So we will see what I end up doing. 

Jenn and I had a really fun weekend. We went out to eat, saw Captain America (great movie!) and just enjoyed each other's company.  We needed it.  Before our movie, I saw some recruiters for the National Guard and thought I would talk to them.  Tell them thanks for the service they have done for our country.  I got to talking to them and really started considering joining.  I never thought about doing it, because I have always thought I was too fat.  I expressed that to them, and I come to find out I really only need to lose about 40 more pounds to qualify.  So I am really considering it.  Anyone have any experience with the National Guard?

I woke up this morning and did 3.5 miles with Jeff.  It was a good run.  We talked a lot about the marathon.  He is a bigger guy and had some things for me to think about from a bigger guy's point of view.  He has done several half marathons and one full.  I have some time to think about it.  I am just going to run, have fun and go from there.

How was your weekend?


Anonymous said...

We have lots of experience with that National Guard Chris. Lots and lots. I'll FB you Marcus' phone number if you want to ask him any questions. In fact, he is at training right now.

Paul Rone said...

Chris + automatic rifle = Yikes!

Terzah said...

Glad to hear you had a great run! And running with your spouse is always the best. My husband's Achilles is injured, but he's starting to get back out there.

Don't know anything about the N.G., but I love it that you are seeing cool new roads to go down.